Audience and Teachers’ Feedback

From the Audience

“My niece and I enjoyed Bluenose. As a grade school teacher, I appreciate the message of tolerance. I was thrilled that all the clever silliness and high jinks did not distract my niece from being able to tell her mother the message of this play. The fine singing and athletic acting added to our enjoyment. Thanks for another great outing.”

“Once again, Seattle Children’s Theatre tackles the tough issues – this time, the issue of tolerance, with talented theatrical storytelling. This story couldn’t land at a more perfect time. It’s so easy to judge people on their differences, rather than explore those differences… This show is as much for the parents as it is for the kids. We discussed the show in depth all the way home!”

“I brought my 9 year old son to this play and when we walked in the door he said, ‘Mom, this is a show for little kids!’ I must admit I was concerned as most of the children there were in the 4 -7 year range, with a few older brothers and sisters present as well. However, once the story began he was fully engaged and was laughing so hard he covered his ears so he wouldn’t hear anymore jokes. We both loved the play and the message was beautifully given about differences. My son is dyslexic, so it was easy to translate the message to his own experience and a situation he recognized immediately. Thank you for bringing such a funny play with a great message to the theatre for all ages to enjoy!”

“My son and I loved Bluenose. There were so many good messages in this play, and it initiated good conversation on the way home about the different messages it presented.”

“My daughter loved the play… Girls can be pirates, too!”

From Teachers

I am always impressed with how Seattle Children’s Theatre intentionally chooses to bring to the stage topics that families and schools are facing every day. In Bluenose, you have created an opportunity for dialogue about differences, peer pressure, stereotypes, and how to be yourself. My students loved the pirate world that comes to life on the stage of Bluenose. They were curious about how the telescope works, they were impressed with the juggling, and they loved the disco dance number! What a fun, lively production!

Martha Gibney, St. Matthew School, Seattle

Students from Primary to Grade 6 enjoyed a fabulous, live-theatre production, Bluenose… performed by the Young Neptune Theatre Company. The cast of four actors incorporated the themes of acceptance and friendship into a hilarious tale about the adventures of three, clumsy, red-nosed pirates who met up with an unusual blue-nosed being. Amidst oodles of laughter and giggles from our 300-student audience… Ku, with his different culture and language, taught the pirates Ratt, Spatt, and Knat, not to be afraid of things that are different.

Mme. Pellerin, LeMarchant School, Halifax

Our class LOVED this play! In our reading, we are trying to identify the “big ideas” or “author’s lessons.” Before the play, I told them that the play was about pirates, but we should also be looking for the “big ideas.” When we got back from the show, I had the students write that “The play was about pirates, but on a deeper level, it was about: ______________________.”

Here are some things the students came up with and that I kept track of on a class chart:

– Someone might be different but you shouldn’t be mean to them.
– Diversity is good.
– Don’t be afraid of differences.
– It’s OK to be different.
– You can be the boss of yourself.
– Trust yourself.
– You should make your own choices.
– Knowledge if valuable.
– The boss isn’t always right.
– You don’t know everything.
– You may look different, but you can find similarities.
– You should learn different things.
– Don’t be a know-it-all.

Cindy Numata, Lowell School, Seattle